Sunday, May 13, 2007

Adventure on a plate !!! The WASABI way !!

wasabi no likey, originally uploaded by cior.

Do you like SUSHI ? I looooooooooooooove it !!! After having given up meat, I now enjoy VEGETARIAN SUSHI !!!

But, the SUSHI experience is really heightened by the innocuous looking green paste of WASABI or Japanese Horseradish sauce.

Dab your SUSHI with a little bit of Wasabi, and its fine. But, Dab a little more than intended and you are on a TRIP !!!!!

The senses ring ALARM BELLS !!!! The nasal passages become hyperactive. Then.... suddenly its all over and ... you are ready for the next dose !!!!!

1 comment:

Ananya said...

You reminded me of yet another favourite quote -

I took a tiny spoonful of pepper and tossed it into my mouth. How can I describe the sensation? It wasn't food -- it was a toxic waste spill. It was lip remover in a bowl. It was as painful as stepping with my barefoot on a Lego in the middle of the night. My mouth was on fire. It was like I was eating a dish of red-hot needles.
Things got even worse. I had no milk to put out the dancing flames. Only dairy products are effective in putting out a pepper fire in one's mouth. It burned my lip and it burned my tongue. It burned all the way to my stomach. I walked through five states before the fire went out. In just 5 or 6 days, I was hungry again. But I ate the habanero pepper soup of death and lived to tell the story.
I have discovered that time does indeed heal all wounds. There are days now when my digestive system barely smolders.
-- Al Batt, from Habanero Peppers.