Sunday, November 12, 2006

Kicking your own BUT !!!

Yes - yes ALL Puns intended !!!

This line emerged in my mind after a conversation with a friend. She said that everything was going beautifully in her life - but, she still felt incomplete.

I told her that it was the GOOD, BUT syndrome.

Example - "This dress looks good on me ... BUT ...!"

How many times do we subject ourselves to the BUT ???

So, I told her to start Kicking your BUT from now on !!! The moment you see yourself adding a BUT to an otherwise obviously GOOD thing in your life, STOP right there - and KICK that BUT goodbye.

We deserve a good life, we deserve enjoying the good life and no BUT is going to spoil it !!! Not for me at least !!!

So, lets help each other in Kicking BUT !!!!

At a slightly deeper level, most of us might / might not know that we can CREATE our OWN CIRCUMSTANCES.

If we truly believe that a) We deserve a GREAT LIFE / Circumstances and b )we can make that Great life / circumstance happen for us then we need to ELIMINATE that BUT !!! ( also the IFs !)

Next post : Managing the IFs !!!! ( Just kidding ! Why WORRY about IFs !!?)

Cee ya !!!

1 comment:

BullziInc said...

Abhi pada. I love punning too and want to see your best. These were good but not kicking:-)